The small beach, within an evocative bay between Punta Cagaragas and the promontory of the Pittinuri tower, among very light-coloured calcareous rock cliffs, is one of the most famous in the Oristano area, enriched by the presence of caves and ravines of rare beauty.
S’Archittuis locatedin the localityin the municipalityof Cuglieri. The beachhas asandy bottomend ofochercolor withgolden hues,strewn withfragmentsof shells, with stonesand rocks. The promenadeis one of thefirstsights of thetown. itoffersextensivewalks withscenic views , between thegreen vegetationbelow, theblue andcobalt bluewater,
Thesmall beachis locatedjust below the villageandsurrounded by arocky cliffon the right. The shallow water isparticularly suitablefor bathing. Thebeachhasa large car parkand allowsaccessibilityfor the handicapped. You can rentcanoesand in the area arehotelsand restaurants.